Tag Archive | Kajiri

What Has Happened??!!

Oh my gosh it has been a while since I posted but, this is not about that.

I want to know…..

What has happened to Gorean dance?

What has happened to the beauty personified in a slave dancing?

What has happened to the love of the dance?

What has happened to the raw emotions that are felt when watching a girl dance?

What has happened to the pride in doing your best performance to please the free?

What has happened when your music, words, animations have nothing in common?

What has happened to the humor, in a slave dancing being happy, silly, hoping that the free may laugh and enjoy her dance?

What has happened to the music? When did Gorean musicians play techno, dub, today’s music and have top 40 pop singers….singing…pop tunes?

What has happened to the reason behind the dance?

What has happened to slaves dancing to please the free and instead dancing to please themselves?

What has happened to the knowledge and understanding WHY a slave dances?

What has happened to the culture of Gorean dance?

What has happened to the culture of Gor?

What has happened to Gorean dance?

What has happened?