Tag Archive | Secondlife

What Has Happened??!!

Oh my gosh it has been a while since I posted but, this is not about that.

I want to know…..

What has happened to Gorean dance?

What has happened to the beauty personified in a slave dancing?

What has happened to the love of the dance?

What has happened to the raw emotions that are felt when watching a girl dance?

What has happened to the pride in doing your best performance to please the free?

What has happened when your music, words, animations have nothing in common?

What has happened to the humor, in a slave dancing being happy, silly, hoping that the free may laugh and enjoy her dance?

What has happened to the music? When did Gorean musicians play techno, dub, today’s music and have top 40 pop singers….singing…pop tunes?

What has happened to the reason behind the dance?

What has happened to slaves dancing to please the free and instead dancing to please themselves?

What has happened to the knowledge and understanding WHY a slave dances?

What has happened to the culture of Gorean dance?

What has happened to the culture of Gor?

What has happened to Gorean dance?

What has happened?

I’m going crazy!!

No no, its not a vent, well not a real vent. More of a “pulling out your hair why are you not thinking” vent. I am doing the POE hunt. And some of the stores where they hid the globes. “SCREAMS”  LOL

I mean really. After a hard day’s work. My brain is DONE!  But nooooo, I have to think and think and search and then when I see it, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. I wish I really could face-palm avi and me.

grrrrrrrrr 2_001

The struggle is real LOL


See how big this place is

I’m right there! That little tiny dot looking for an even tinier globe. Why Pudding you say? If it makes you go crazy then why do you do it?

Simple answer. I love doing hunts. *Laughs*

Okay, back to searching.

That’s all for now………

I converted to the Dark side …. j/k the Mesh side

This is an expert from my July 8 blog….

“Hey Pudding, so what has changed about you”? I’m so glad you asked, After *counts on fingers* 7 years of having this Avi, and altering n’ adjusting and adjusting n’ altering I got a new shape and skin. *GASPS*  And I think I have given up some of my protest, not all but some, I still don’t change my complete self to fit into a mesh outfit, but I might tweek a few numbers if it does not change the shape much.  But I don’t have a picture saved of me, I didn’t change that much. In fact only one person I think in Haifa even mentioned I looked different. LOL. But its a big change to me so there!


I have to admit it. I did change my complete self to fit into a mesh outfit. I did more than that. *hangs head in shame*  I am sorry to all my fellow protesters, I know I said I would never to a mesh body….but….but….but… It’s just so perfectly curvy, and smooth and and and… well I did it!  I jumped ship. I changed sides. I went to the .. dum dum duuuummmmm Mesh side. And I LOVE IT 🙂 🙂 😛

I have been looking at mesh bodies for a while now, but was not able to find one that I like, I mean really really liked. I don’t want to be a size -3 kajira. Gorean men are big and they might break a little twig. .. Okay, to be totally honest, I can’t say its because I am in Gor. I have always made my shape to be a full figured woman. I just like the curves. And besides, nobody wants a bone but a dog. STOP STOP, don’t fuss and get your panties in a wad. I am saying this is what I like. If you are a -3 and you love it, then more power to you. But as for me!!!  and since this is my writings, I will say it. Nobody wants a bone but a dog!  heehee wait what was I talking about,.. *stops to read up*  oh yea!

So I was getting demos and getting demos and getting demos, and you guessed it, getting demos of mesh bodies, even with the sliders I could not look how I wanted to. BUT!!!!!  FINALLY!!!!!!! *insert dramatic music here* I found the Belleza Venus Mesh body and using the Freya shape I was finally able to look almost how I wanted to.

the new me 2_001

Day one of mesh body

Halloween 2015

After some adjustments. On Halloween

So you see the difference between day one and Halloween. NO I don’t look like that all the time. Just wanted to show the difference in thickness.

And I truly do love it. Still trying to make some adjustments and trying to re-do my clothes closet. Good thing about being a kajira is sometimes the less clothes the better. heehee

But I do wish some of the mesh designers would think about us thick girls. Size xxs is just two dang small, thing about us curvy girls ..AND just because the hips and thighs and butt are thick does not mean we all have football player shoulders and are about 4 months pregnant. Geesh!!!! Okay before I start a rant on that, and only one rant allowed per week, its time for me to say..


That is all……….

Really? No, for real??

13:29] Second Life: Incoming message from [name withheld, owner of the Sim]
[13:29] Autoresponse sent
[13:30]  [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: I see you are all in Kar now.
[13:32] [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: good timing, the houe rental ran out earlier today.
[13:33]  [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: You have been ejected from ‘Port Haifa slaves’ by [name withheld, owner of the Sim]
[13:34]  [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: You have been ejected from ‘Port Haifa residents’ by [name withheld, owner of the Sim].
[15:34] Pudding (Devine Teardrop): Well thank you  [name withheld, owner of the Sim] for making that decision for me. I was visiting other sims because I did not feel comfortable at PH lately and you reinforced my decision. I wish you a wonderful year and hope everything you wish for comes to fruition.
[15:36]  [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: it was clear you hated it here, never had a good word to say.. I hope Kar is more suited to your RP needs.
[15:37] Pudding (Devine Teardrop): You are allowed to think that you wish, but I do know the truth. I did not hate it there, if I did, I would not have stayed there since January. But no need to throw mud, I am sincere in hoping PH does well. I wish you well.

And why am I not saying that persons name? Because that person is not here to defend themselves even though I am sure positive that person, will not do the same for me. And also that person is rather spiteful and would probably find a way to use this against me. So that is why that person is [name withheld, owner of the Sim] 


Now see this is interesting, I remember ranting and venting about Port Haifa back in September. But I am not one to throw dirty laundry out in the streets, especially since I am in the house. BUT seeing as how I am no longer in the house I guess its okay.  So, let me tell you what transpired. Now for a while that sim was totally dead. I could be on there for hours on end, and nobody would be there. But did I say anything negative about it to anybody? NO! I would bring it up in the council meetings during the OOC part of the meetings and well express my opinion.

I have come to find out that, its not a good thing to express your opinion. For a while PH had, *counts on her fingers* three owners, then there were umm five, now there are six. Yes Six owners for one sim. Which may not seem that bad, but the six owners bicker, which is bad. But I’m rambling as I usually do. Now, I would be on that sim alone for hours, sometimes with a few of the other slaves again alone. How alone? Alone enough for me to bring out my toys and ride around the sim on a bosk, on a gyro copter, in a truck. I even Tp’d the sim once, just because I was bored to tears being the only one on there.

I know you are saying, Pudding? are you serious, do you have proof. Umm well Yes, I do. Now remember what was said above, “[15:36] [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: it was clear you hated it here, never had a good word to say”  So since I hated PH soooo much, I had created a PH flicker page months ago. And yes she knew about it, and yes so did a lot of the people there.  Now, at the time it was restricted to pictures from PH only. But this is by someone who never had a nice thing to say and hated it. Pfft, Right! I hated this sim so much I spent time and energy creating and promoting a flicker page for Port Haifa.  Oh yeah, the proof is in the Pudding. (pun not intended, well maybe so)

And don’t worry, they vanished after a few minutes of tossing them out. But to have the balls, to say that I never had a kind thing to say, never liked it there, Is an utter Lie.  And I have my own reasoning behind the lie. But I may get to that later depending on if I’m still venting

So those TP pictures show that the sim can be empty at times, and did I poof away like everybody else when no one was there. Nope. But WAIT PUDDING, you may say, the could be just not online.  Yes my young one, that is true, which is why I would check the group to see who was online.  LO AND BEHOLD, there were people online. Gasp!!!!!!

But now here is some more “proof” It takes time to get a picture to look just right, and someone that does not care about the sim will not do that, So below, a few pictures of the large sim wide r/p when the fire happened in the dance pavilion.  I wanted an “after” look so I spent a while looking for the right lighting to give it that next day smoky haze look.

fire 6_001

The Great Fire

Causalities of the fire> A Master and two slaves being treated by the physician at the time.  okay, okay yeah, the slut in pink is me. Even in a fire, this slave needs her pink!

fire 4

The Great fire

Now again a picture that took a while to get just right. But again I ask this is taken by someone who never liked the place. hmmm

owned 6_001

Just a nice image

So I dislike the place so much I even took a gang of pictures of the valentines day dance and gave it to one of the owners. The only one I am posting is below, the rest are on the flicker page. Which had a name change a few weeks back.

vday dance 29_001

OOC Valentine’s Day 2015 Dance

The reason for the name change was that I grew tired of deleting pictures from other places all the while kindly reminding the citizens of Haifa that we had a flicker page for them to use. And yes, some did use and posted great pictures.  But after realizing that it was turning into a pudding posting page, I opened it up and changed the name to “Gorean Life in Second Life”  and how can you tell that it originally was a group from PH? Well because, even though I did try, you cant change the web page name. So it will always be  https://www.flickr.com/groups/port_haifa/pool/with/21745534509/

Now I would like to take the port haifa name out but I can’t so … oh well.

So, back to up top. [name withheld, owner of the Sim] said that since we all were in Port Kar it was okay for her to eject us. Now, I did not have any Port Kar groups in my profile, but does it really matter? There are many people within Haifa with other groups in their profile, heck I was seeing some of the same people in Port Kar when I would visit, with houses in Port Haifa. hmmm imagine that!  So that person was looking through mine, my chain sisters and my Masters profile to see what groups we belong to?  Are you really that petty that you only want Port Haifa groups to be listed? Or is it that you are that insecure? hmm as I am writing I am beginning to wonder.

But I have a feeling that all of this stems from the fact that my Master likes to speak his mind, always respectful but will not be bullied into silence.  Ohhh did I say the Bully word?  You mean there is one of those in the great teaching sim of PH. Ummm yep. And due to Pudding having a Master who encourages her to use her mind and speak her mind, I have I think caused that bully to get slightly offended. Because I don’t cower down when the Great and powerful Oz speaks. {no the bully is not named Oz, but I had a Wizard of Oz flashback there}  So I spoke my mind to the bully and the bully didnt like it. Now the same bully likes to puff out its chest and try to intimidate others with its great expanse of knowledge. *sighs* sorry bully my Master isn’t afraid of you and neither am I.  Which is why that bully and its crew must have been looking for a great reason to give the boot.

After that last blow out at the OOC council meeting, and I stress OOC because I think its only considered OOC if it abides by their thoughts. Wait…wait.. getting off topic here. After the last meeting, I did not step foot on that sim, and was not going to unless I was at my Masters boots. Personally I don’t think there was anything wrong with that, but I guess so.

Okay so again up top [13:32] [name withheld, owner of the Sim]: good timing, the houe rental ran out earlier today.   Now, the rental ran out earlier today….today. There used to be a grace period, there was a time when the rent was 3 or 4 days past due, because my Master was out of town I think, well it was something. That person did not have an issue, just waited till it was paid. Now not only did [name withheld, owner of the Sim] kick me/us out of the groups BUT returned everything in the house. For the rent running out earlier today. ……….. Whateverrrrrrrrrr……

So, I still feel the need to vent, and one more thing to get off my chest. This BTB madness that they quote so much. I have come to realize that BTB only applies to their {the powers that be} thoughts and ideas. Ohh thumbtack here, to switch topics. Did you know that the main thing is we need more r/p? We need more r/p. And everytime I tried to do something it was rejected. The first one was not even started by me. Someone kur type thing was running around the sim leaving notes. So I said to myself “hey Pudding, this may be fun to get into” so, I did. By the way, the proof is in the pudding, pictures of the beginning of that r/p is on flicker also. Where was I? Oh yeah, so just when I’m getting into it, it is brought up in the OOC council part of the meeting. “That is an invalid r/p” “Kur would not be in the Port” ” Well anybody can participate but I will not” [said by an owner] then of course others co-signed and jumped on the bandwagon. So ‘splain somethin Lucy, if owners AND council members say they are not going to participate in a r/p, do you really and I mean REALLY think that anybody else is?  Neither do I and it died out.

Another example I have a bosk that I ride around, when I’m bored. [yep proof is in the pudding’s flicker page lol]  And [name withheld, owner of the Sim] told me a long time ago that it would be funny if when riding around there were bosk poop. Even gave me a transferable one that had flies around it. Yea, it was pretty cool. So fast forward months and months and I’m riding my bosk around and even r/p’d with a Master [who is no longer there] about my bosk being sick., well not MY bosk, since slaves can’t own anything, I said my Masters bosk, was sick and I was out walking it to make it feel better and dropped poop all over the sim. Thinking that it would be a good opening for so many different ways to r/p.  Such as a slave getting in trouble and having to pick it up, A FW stepping in it, umm wondering which bosk was sick and was it loose, or was it even a bosk maybe something else. Sounds simple right? Well I log in and find it all returned and a message from [name withheld, owner of the Sim] stating that a lot of people were complaining about the noise of the flys, so they were ALL returned to me. Again talk-a-lot Pudding brought it up in the meeting and I apologized for irritating people but I just wanted to start some r/p. Then [name withheld, owner of the Sim] remembered that that person made it and said sure go ahead and put it all back. Other citizens started saying ohh we can r/p this.. blah blah blah. Did I put it back , heck no.  Don’t try to chew me out then suddenly remember you created it and want me to place it back out.

Shoots, I forgot what i was fussing about *scrolls up to see where the thumbtack left off* Oh yea BTB only applies to them. Is it BTB to have metal trash cans? You know the kind I mean, the shiny metal ones that the garbage men pick up weekly? yea those ones. Is it BTB to have a dunk tank [no matter how much fun I had playing with it] on your sim for a BTB celebration?  Is it common BTB to have so many flipping people change their castes? Yes I know that is by the book, but if I remember correctly most were proud of what they were and didn’t change it like they change their underwear. But whatever I was going to say I don’t remember.

NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT. Don’t get me wrong with all the fussing I was doing there are some REALLY REALLY GREAT people at Port Haifa. I am not sim bashing, just expressing my opinion, as usual. But again I must say this there are some REALLY GREAT people there, that none of my rant applies to.

So, like I always say when I’m venting, if you think this applies to you, then maybe it does, or maybe you may be guilty of some of the things. If you think it does not apply to you, it may not. I think I am done ranting, I had more to say, but just had a quick convo In-world with one of the GOOD peeps from PH and it sort of took all the wind out of my sails, but since this is my blog, I can always do another one if i get riled up again. 🙂 🙂

Sooooooooo, as I always say……….

That is all ……………

It’s been a while but I’m baaaaaaaaaack …. for good this time

I did not realize how long its been since I blubbered… I mean blogged about my life in SL. I looked back and it was LAST YEAR, almost a whole year has passed by. Okay maybe not a whole year just about 8 months, but thats pretty dang close. Has a lot happened?   Duh!! I live in SL Gor, things change ALL the time.  Let me see if I can do a quick play by play update. Since my last post.


Here I go?

Master found us a home sim, we moved to Port Haifa back in January or February, He became a citizen and I have a great photo of that on my flicker. Yeps. I’m still addicted to flicker. LOL  Don’t judge me!!!!!!! I love it!!!!  Petitioning for Citizenship  And we have been through the Up and downs of a Gorean sim since then. I’m not going to bore you with them or hash over what happened but its SL Gor, you already know or if you don’t, it doesn’t matter. And if you do know, it still doesn’t matter

because its in the past.  heehee

So whats going on today?  I went to RLF and lit 2 luminaries. Of course next to Goreans Relay For Life.


Goreans Relay for Life

Got a little sad thinking, so figured, I will go visit again when I have someone with me.   Okay time to change subjects before I get mopey again.

“Hey Pudding, so what has changed about you”? I’m so glad you asked, After *counts on fingers* 7 years of having this Avi, and altering n’ adjusting and adjusting n’ altering I got a new shape and skin. *GASPS*  And I think I have given up some of my protest, not all but some, I still don’t change my complete self to fit into a mesh outfit, but I might tweek a few numbers if it does not change the shape much.  But I don’t have a picture saved of me, I didn’t change that much. In fact only one person I think in Haifa even mentioned I looked different. LOL. But its a big change to me so there!

Ya’ know, I was just thinking a LOT has happened since we came to Haifa, but I would not change a thing about my Master nor my Chainsister. I love them to bits!   So in my musings, I may revert back to something, and if I do and go totally into left field, welllllll, that’s okay. Once you are able to follow my train of thought then  you have reached the pinnacle of understanding a scattered mind.

I think I will try to start at least once a week updates, but you can also check out whats going on with my flicker, its more of my SL life, not just my Gorean life. “EGADS! She does something else other than Gor?!?!?!?”  Yes, I do a lot outside of Gor but that does not change who I am, a kajira owned by my Master. I just enjoy what SL has to offer.

Ohhhh and some of the Sims I have visited, Okay, I will have to go back and to visit and give you updated on them, I have seen some AMAZING things. And some pretty strange things that make you say  What you talkin' bout Willis  - what chu talkin  bout willis. ..

But I’ll show you those later, because I am not in world right now. LOL   alright, Time for me to go, RL is knocking “HOLD ON I’M COMING” change that to banging at my door.

That is all……………

They are the Best!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes you have to go through the dark hard times to get to the good times. What do I mean?  Well I have been a slave on Sl since 2008 searching and looking. At the time I did not know what EXACTLY I was looking for, I just knew I was looking for a Master.  And Master after Master, the good bad and ugly of them all. Years wanting and searching. And I do mean YEARS of looking for what ever it was to fill my heart. A Master. A family. That was a simple request, right? Well after years, did I say years? of search, I finally I ended up in Gor.  Then I realized that I was not only looking for a Master, but a real and true Gorean Master. Did I find one right away? No, it didn’t happen right off. I think I was not ready yet, But FINALLY I ended up with my Master and my chain sister juls.  They are truly the absolute bestest!  Yea yea, I know that’s not a word but… so what… LOL its my blog.  hee hee hee

Now this is not something that just recently happened, I have been under my Masters collar since April. So why am I getting so gushy sappy now?  Well because of this.

birthday 4_001 birthday 3_001 birthday 2_001 birthday_001

That’s why !!!!!!!!   *smiles big looking at the pictures*  Yep, thats why, Just something as simple as remembering my birthday and celebrating. Ohh and I got birthday presents also. But even better than the presents…. my Master and Julsy. I love them to bits!!!!!!

That is all ……….

It’s been a while … What’s goin’ on?

But I have not forgotten about my blog. There is just so so much going on in SL, that sometimes you can’t write about it and well just need to let it pass.  I wish the words would come out, but then again, some things are better left unsaid.  This chicka here has grown up some and realized that not everybody is who they say they are, and not everything is how it is presented.

I am happy that my Master has been searching long and hard and maybe, just maybe has found a place to dock his ship for a while. Fingers will remain crossed that this new place will be a good one. So until then, its time to watch and observe.

So, other than visiting my blog, I have been taking pictures and have truly become addicted to Flicker… gasp!!!!!!!!  hahaha  So many different groups to get in and become inspired to take new and different photos.

hmmm what else, ohhh, I have gone back to trying to figure out how to use fraps, did a little recording posted it to my youtube channel, and YES, needs a loooooot of learning about that program as well..

Before I start rambling have a great day and to all those who have served and are serving.

Happy Veterans day.  The next few posts will have to be something celebrating them. Just gotta figure out what they will be.

That is all …….

The pitfalls of a good camera view

What does a kajira do when she is stuck at home and bored out of her skull. Climb up a mountain and see what is on the other side.  Look at the top of the picture… see that tiny speck … No not that one …. the bigger tiny speck … YES!!  That one … that is me *laughs*  Now this is spooky even in the day time.peeking next door_001

hahahaha …. That is all

Thinking ….

Sometimes when you stop to think

you really begin

to think of thoughts.

grey november_001

That might be good

or bad

or somewhere in between

or a mixture of all three.

So instead of standing in the rain

you dry yourself off

wait for the clouds to clear.

Lay back.

Look up at the stars in the sky

and wonder….


That is all ………

Relaxing & thinking by the Waterfall

at the waterfall_001

There was going to be a post about …. um something. But standing here and listening to the water has made this girls eyes lower. It didn’t help that I was listening to something broadcasting tonight that made my eyes roll so far back in my head I saw my brain.  Thankfully my Master permitted a drink before He logged for dinner and bed. There really was going to be something deep and insightful but, there was a change in programming. *laughs*  So on that note with a large and extended yaaaaaaaawn, all I say is Good Night.

That is all ……………………….

To Jump or Not To Jump …. That is the question.


Ya might as well JUMP. Go head and JUMP. 


I get up, and nothing gets me down.
You got it tough. I’ve seen the toughest around.
And I know, baby, just how you feel.
You’ve got to roll with the punches to get to what’s real
Oh can’t you see me standing here,
I’ve got my back against the record machine
I ain’t the worst that you’ve seen.
Oh can’t you see what I mean ?
Might as well jump. Jump !
Might as well jump.
Go ahead, jump. Jump !
Go ahead, jump.
Aaa-ohh Hey you ! How said that ?
Baby how you been ?
You say you don’t know, you won’t know until we begin.
Well can’t you see me standing here,
I’ve got my back against the record machine
I ain’t the worst that you’ve seen.
Oh can’t you see what I mean ?
Might as well jump. Jump !
Go ahead, jump.
Might as well jump. Jump !
Go ahead, jump.
Conclusions? I am good at doing that but its okay. Even though I JUMP to conclusions, I don’t act on them.. well not right away…. well not all the time.  But SL is a wonderful place. Anything can happen and it be an “oops accident” and you JUMPED to the wrong conclusions. or  It can be an “oops my bad, my fault” and you JUMPED to a different wrong conclusion. But sometimes one might over think something and JUMP to the right conclusion first, but then keep thinking and JUMP to the wrong one.
If you want more….more…. more… then JUMP
What is pudding trying to say as she rambles on and on and sips on her drink? [thank you my Master, that 2nd one was yummy].  Well a lot without trying to say to much. I sit here taking another sip because my fingers wont write what my mind is thinking? Why? Because for some stupid reason just in case I JUMPED to the wrong conclusion, I don’t wish to hurt anybody’s feelings.
JUMP around…. JUMP  around… JUMP up and get down
I wonder though, why should I care? I can be like everybody else and say, “that’s not what I meant” or “It came out the wrong way”….. Well this really was a lot of nothing because before I JUMP to conclusions I want to find out the facts  …. .
Are you ready to JUMP?  Get ready to JUMP. Don’t ever look back oh  baby!!!!
and I cant find anymore JUMP songs. AND the more pudding sips the more pudding talks LOL
That is all……..

When Good Visits go Bad

Tonight was going to be a fun night. My Master gave me permission to visit and explore Earth, and I had plenty of time to find a place to visit. So search opened up and this Kajira started looking.

Yes!!! Found a new spot to visit, It is a Sim called OTIUM – Leisure & Laziness.

So you know I had to take some photos.


love the writing in the sand

love the writing in the sand

Just relaxing

Just relaxing

Looking out over the water at the ship, wonders if it still works

Looking out over the water at the ship, wonders if it still works

Where is the starter, does it need gas?

Where is the starter, does it need gas?

not working but look good sailing

not working but look good sailing

Reserved for whom? Pudding?

Reserved for whom? Pudding?

There is a cute village

There is a cute village

Had to jump to see the view

Had to jump to see the view

Nice convo with a resident of the village until ....

Nice convo with a resident of the village until ….

My happiness beforehand in the plaza

My happiness beforehand in the plaza


After playing along the beach, I saw that there was a little village, and well this girl went exploring even more. It is the cuuuuutest place. It could almost look like a tiny Gorean village. So I walked around and found myself in the plaza and started having a nice conversation with a resident of the town. Sounds all good right? Well it was until, this guy kept hawking his friends store. Saying come visit.. she is an artist … come visit.  He started out being sorta rude because he interrupted the conversation.

So I told him that I would come visit soon. That held him off for about 5 minutes, then he started up again. So still being nice I tell him high pressure sales don’t work on me.

Then he starts going off on me, in Spanish no less. So I put on one of those crappy translators, and saw the word “whore” ……. Screeeeeeeeeeeetch. Stop WHAT!!!!  All I said was stop pressuring me. Then he kept going on and on and on. His friend the store owner, kept trying to apologize to for him. I couldn’t take it so I said farewell to the resident and went home.

His friend sent another IM saying he was tired an apologized again for him, I told her no apologies were needed from her, but only from him.  I was not taking any chances so I send my Master a message about what was going on. During that time she sent ANOTHER IM saying he wanted me to come there so he could explain. I politely declined saying he can speak with my Master, I really didn’t want to be bothered with him. I was ____ this __ close to searching on the internet on how to curse in Spanish. LOL

I figure that was the end, of It so I started writing this blog.. Guess what. Now his annoying self sends me an IM all in Spanish. Duuude. I dont speak Spanish, and he must have been misspelling some words because free translation dot com did not translate correctly. I asked him in IM to please leave me alone, stop IM’ing me. Did he NO…..I just logged off and now am going to bed irritated instead of relaxed as I should have been at the end of my exploring. Ughsss, I have nothing further, Its bed time.


That is all. …..

A Kajira’s Adventure Down the Amazon River

This is a bit late, but I still wanted to describe this adventure, that I had over the weekend. I went to visit this sim called Amazon River, its featured on the front page of the SL website. And yes, went visiting because nobody was in the sim – what else is new. Just don’t get it so many r/p opportunities and nobody takes them.  What good is a kajira if there is nobody to r/p with?  *shakes her head* neverthemind.  Wooooosaaaaaw   wooooooooosaaaaaaaaawww

Back to the sim.   Since its featured its full of people…. normal ones and yes! those bothersome newbies. I think some newbies are not really new, just oldies that want to be bothersome. People just jumping into your boat without asking, …. So rude!  But that’s okay, if you know there are ways to get rid of unwanted bodies in the river.  muahhahahaha


This is not the beginning of the sim, but this place covers three sims total and it GREAT, Everything down to the color of water, birds flying overhead, things underneath…. hmm I wonder if that was a sleen that I saw back there.



Look at the overgrowth in the trees. Ohh the boat..I forgot to tell you, when you land, you can either walk through the rain forest or grab a boat at the end of the dock. 3 people can fit in it at one time.



Not much to say here but WOW!



Again WOW, but with a distance view



Okay, Don’t know how this happened, but I was on the boat and guess crossed sim lines, windlight changed and what a difference.



I can’t believe what I ran into… a wave, did this kajira shriek and run away? NO.. well okay screaming yes, but running away no. I took it like a champ, rode that wave with this boat better than Gidget did on a surfboard. LOL



Looking behind me… heck yes I gunned that boat to get out of there! I wanted to live to see another adventure!



Back into the jungle, or rain forest or on the Amazon River, I saw this tiny village, but I didn’t see any body around. Not sure if that was a good or a bad sign.



I got out the boat and walked around for a bit, by the way the boats vanish after 15 seconds. so if you get out, make sure you can get back. *Laughs*  This place was looking a bit scary.



Okay, I enjoy nature and all that but I’ve never seen an ant eater actually eating ants. My skin started itching after a few minutes, felt like the ants were all over  me.


Okay okay okay…. No I didnt make it out of that area by myself, I cheated and TP’d back to the landing point and got another boat. BE CAREFUL of the crocks, they will swing their might tail and destroy your boat, and you will sink. Or the crocks will bite or swish you with your tail and you will go flying, or something even more sinister… That you have to find out on your own.



Yet again, I got out and lost my boat, but went into this cave and if you look real close, my name is inscribed on the wall. SPOOKY!!



Yep you guessed, I left that cave quickly, forgetting that the boat sinks and nobody was around to give me a lift, This time I was not going to cheat and was going to get out on my own. And I did…. sorta



This native of the Amazon helped me across the river. See that guy walking across the rope in the corner, he was umm all bare, not even a fig leaf. Well this guy saw that I was a bit nervous so he was talking to me for a bit and greeted me “Tal”. In my own language. He was trying to make me comfortable, hmmm hopefully not to tenderize me for lunch… naaaah. He was very friendly and we talked a bit OOC and IC. OOC’ly he said the sim was having a lot of lag because of all the people that were coming to visit and the owners moved the Open Collar store somewhere on that sim. Yep that would do it. And IC’ly he said that this girl was nice to talk to and he would keep me safe. Get this!! He said they have Panthers roaming the Amazon ,and not the cat kind. So maybe this is a earth/gor/amazon/ge type place?  I dont know but it is cool to look around.



Yeah different outfit, same place, next day, had to come back for another visit there is so much I have yet to see. Like this place. How do I get up there?



Finally if you look up in the trees you can make out the beautifully red, birds, Had to tilt my camera up high to get them flying across the bridge.



Welp, I will definitely be back to that place there is so much more to visit. But for now……..


That is all …….