Tag Archive | feelings

What Has Happened??!!

Oh my gosh it has been a while since I posted but, this is not about that.

I want to know…..

What has happened to Gorean dance?

What has happened to the beauty personified in a slave dancing?

What has happened to the love of the dance?

What has happened to the raw emotions that are felt when watching a girl dance?

What has happened to the pride in doing your best performance to please the free?

What has happened when your music, words, animations have nothing in common?

What has happened to the humor, in a slave dancing being happy, silly, hoping that the free may laugh and enjoy her dance?

What has happened to the music? When did Gorean musicians play techno, dub, today’s music and have top 40 pop singers….singing…pop tunes?

What has happened to the reason behind the dance?

What has happened to slaves dancing to please the free and instead dancing to please themselves?

What has happened to the knowledge and understanding WHY a slave dances?

What has happened to the culture of Gorean dance?

What has happened to the culture of Gor?

What has happened to Gorean dance?

What has happened?

I just don’t get it.

thats not how it works

I mean, really, I don’t get it. Can anybody explain it to me?That’s not how it works.

Because this kajira is just lost. That’s not how any of this works.

It really really makes no sense. Why claim you want to be somewhere, something, someone, but then you don’t act like you want to be there, do that thing or be that person?  I don’t get it.  A kajira is supposed to be kind, decent … gasps… even nice, and ……clutches her pearls to her chest in horror … Talk to people.

I am really tired of censoring myself, to spare your feeling, but you don’t consider mine.  I know I am talking in circles, but I just want to get this off my chest without it blowing up.  And since I’m on the subject of getting things off my chest,  “That’s not how it works”   What makes a person feel the need to turn away? How many IM’s must be sent? How many times must I TP in just to get a word.  I wish for a day, where we are allowed to say whatever we want and nobody is allowed to get butt hurt over it.   

I know that video is about Black opps but the chorus fits… Why are you butt hurt? So damn butt hurt. Stop acting butt hurt, butt hurtt…”

Okay… enough negativity… getting things off your chest makes you feel better.

That is all …………