

I have been inspired I guess you can say. Looking at all of Juls blogs have really inspired me to try again to get back into blogging. But sadly the same issue comes forth. WHAT to write about? I sort of want it to be meaningful, insightful, to give you the reader that WOW factor.  sooooooooooo  I thought and thought and guess what?  Still the same thing, I sit down and well, sort of plan to write something but then.. BLAM. My mind switches, but that is how most of my blogs and actually come to think of it, my conversations go.

So I am going to get back into writing, it was suggested that since I do explore so many places to just write about that. hmmm, that is a possibility. But what is weighing on my mind now is Gorean Slaves.  *Gasp*   Yea, I know right! Whatever do you mean Pudding?

Well, just this, when and why are slaves being sometimes treated as a free? And where are the real Gorean sims.  Now thinking about those two things, they are actually two different types of blog, but hey! That is how my mind is thinking the day after daylight savings time!

Where is the Gorean sim, that has Masters actually acting like Masters. Now I am not saying for the men to beat on their chests “ME MASTER….YOU SLUT…YOU SEX ME NOW!” umm No. Those are the newbie Masters. {rofl}  But where are the Masters that actually have enough balls to discipline a slave that is not there own. * Which goes back to my other question? Slaves having what they will and will not do in their profiles. Umm guess what chika you are a slave. If you don’t like it, go to a non Gorean sim. “I will FTB or TP out with no r/p in 15 minutes”  Really???  So then you being a slave is not about wanting to serve the free, its about you wanting to get your slap and tickle game on, then leave.

Guess what slaves? This is an important service announcement, its not all about you. Really it isn’t. If you want it to be all about you go to the hottest BDSM screw me, scene over, find a different person to screw sim.  Being a slave is about your owner. * Now that also goes to the Owners/Masters, who are scared to say anything in local to their slave for fear of not getting the nookie that night. Knock knock!   Yo! Master dude! Guess what! YOU are the Master not your slave. hmmm why did Maury mixed with Oprah come into my mind. “YOU are not the Master!”  “YOU get a slave” YOU get a slave” “YOU are not the Master” “YOU…You…YOU are NOT the Master”  (shakes head okay I’m back now)  Were you saying that in the Oprah voice “you get a car…you get a car…you you you get a car LOL”  Okay I am really back now.

But the question still remains, where are the Real Good Gorean Sims.  I was actually talking to my Master the other day about something close to this. When you say this sim is BTB, or this or that is BTB. What actually does that mean?  John Norman said one thing in Book one, then by the time book 15 came around he totally changed his mind. So when is BTB actually BTB and who’s interpretation are you using?  10 different people can read 1 think and get 15 different ideas from it. So when a sim is stating they are BTB, it might not be what you think is BTB. So then, what is a BTB sim?

How about having a place that is just a Gorean sim?  Yea some will call it lifestyle but isn’t that what we do on any sim. Live the life of a FM, a FW, a FC, a slave? Living the life = lifestyle, just depends on how deep you want to take it. Do you want to scratch the service or do you really want to dig down deep into the culture?  That’s something to think about, ya know?

I totally got off of what I was planing to say. *laughs* but I am not shocked. So Masters, if you are on a Gorean sim, and you see a slave, there for say a week or two even, without any hint of a Master, what do you do?   Just because there is a tag above her head saying someones name does that mean you cant touch?  But wait!!  Remember people did not wear tags above their head in Gor.

*Thumb tack again*

Wouldn’t it just be totally cool, if they could make the sims, to when you land on it, your name tag vanishes, your profile vanishes, your ‘title’ vanishes. The only thing is you, the person. And then you would have to walk around and actually talk to people to get to know who they are, what they are, what restrictions the slaves actually have. Don’t you realize how much more people would interact with each other?   A slave is walking around, she is beautiful, you want a drink, food, maybe more. You would actually have to talk to the slave. And on the flip side, the slave would actually have to talk and act as a slave when speaking. Her “tag and profile” wont announce she is owned, she is restricted, she is white silk, red silk, first girl, last girl, nothing.  Ohh the Free would have to come out of their homes and speak to people. Now I just thought of eliminating IM’s but they may be necessary, but I wonder if there was a way it could be restricted or something. I don’t know, I will have to work on my imaginary sim a little bit more. But come on now! Admit it!  That would be so flipping cool, just having to talk to people to find out who they are.

*takes out the thumbtack and tries to remember the though line she was on*

OH Yea, Masters seeing slaves. A lot of girls are not owned, but say they are just to be able to go onto a sim and decide if they want to play. But what if slaves were slaves and free were free. Hmmm interesting thought actually.  *sighs* What was the original idea for this blog anyhow?  I don’t know.

But my mind is now a total blank. soooooooo you know whats next.


That’s all for now…………  Nope not yet.  LOL I did say I was going to try to do a travel blog, but I have no brain so I will just show you the two pictures I took today. That is if I remember how to add them…..*sets the timer*

How long will I wait …….. forever

Will wait forever

How long will I wait ……. forever

This is where I took these two pictures, just went to the landing spot. I have more from here on my flicker page.

Visit this location at Sordid Affair – Grace Island in Second Life

Waiting through the night

Through the still of the night, I will wait for you

Okay, I am not saying HOW LONG it took for me to remember how to do this *laughs*  But I will say …..

That is all ………

I’m going crazy!!

No no, its not a vent, well not a real vent. More of a “pulling out your hair why are you not thinking” vent. I am doing the POE hunt. And some of the stores where they hid the globes. “SCREAMS”  LOL

I mean really. After a hard day’s work. My brain is DONE!  But nooooo, I have to think and think and search and then when I see it, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. I wish I really could face-palm avi and me.

grrrrrrrrr 2_001

The struggle is real LOL


See how big this place is

I’m right there! That little tiny dot looking for an even tinier globe. Why Pudding you say? If it makes you go crazy then why do you do it?

Simple answer. I love doing hunts. *Laughs*

Okay, back to searching.

That’s all for now………

A Wandering and Wondering Kajira

Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a far away land… Isn’t that how most fairy tales start?  Welp, too bad this is not a fairy tale. Fairy tale always have a happy ending with the prince riding in on a white horse to save them.. ya know.. sometimes even as a child that irritated me. *laughs* I was a tomboy, because I used to wonder why did it have to be a white horse, why couldn’t it be a horse like Little Joe had on Bonanza. (( and no, I am not dating myself…I watched reruns ))

I got off track…..The old saying is true,,,… things that irritate a person most are probably things they do themselves, I knew it about myself, but I wonder if others know it about themselves. Still off track..

This Kajira donned her earth clothes, really until my Master finds us a new home, I guess I could call them my regular clothes…but still like silks better.  So I donned my clothes shaking my head as I closed the front door and went poooooof into time and space. Visiting quite a few places before deciding to re-visit a place.

This Sim is something totally awesome H22O I previously posted pictures from my first visit, but oh well, I took them again.  Plus that place is the kind of spot that will make you wonder and think, and during all that wondering and thinking and snapping and thinking and wandering, I came to a conclusion that its time to stop letting people walk all over me. It’s time I stand up for myself. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander *smiles* easier said than done. This girl does not like stress, drama or conflict, too much makes me physically ill, so 9.9 times out of 10 I usually back away.  BUT something needs to change….. hmm a song just popped into my head.

Tonight will be a 2 blog night….smiles…….I just need to find the lyrics of that song, its an old 80’s song.  But back to the sim..  If you have not been, you should…. its a good place to be alone.

h220 again 1


h220 again 1_001

The landing point, go through the portal to get to the sim

h220 again 2_001

That girl sanding there looks sad

h220 again 3_001



h220 again 4_001

 Sometimes the best way to think is on your knees.


h220 again 5_001



h220 again 6_001



h220 again 7_001


h220 again 8_001

I wonder what drove her to this place?

h220 again 9_001

Time for ????

h220 again 10_001



h220 again 11_001



h220 again 12_001



h220 again 14_001

 Running away from or running toward ???

h220 again 13_001



That is all ……..

A Kajiras visit to The Jungle

As I said in my previous blog, I went to a place last night that just BLEW me away. Nothing super exciting, no pew pew, no capture, no guns no nothing. Just extreme beauty and peace. A place where your imagination can just explode with thoughts, visions and wonderment, a place so beautiful Gorean and Earth people alike will just be in awe at all the flora and fauna that are there.

What is the the place you ask?   The Jungle   I know the few pictures that I have taken won’t do this place justice, you will truly need to see it for yourself.


The landing point. Dare you walk into the mouth of the lion?  I hope you do, and I am glad that I did.


jungle 2_001

This was taken using my graphics on med high, but my computer will get mad if I try to walk, but just wanted to show you the detail of the elephant


jungle 3_001

I found a tree path to walk up… I don’t know if I am in a fairy land or what, but everything has such vibrant color. Look the elephants are behind me and over to the left there is a giraffe.


jungle 4_001

Walking off the path I found a firepit, and wanted to warm my tootsies. What did I see, a monkey in a tree…..Is that bubbles????   The surrounding plants are amazing.


jungle 5_001

There is a path, should I follow it…but of course. *smiles*  Oh if it could only get this green and this pretty in RL.


jungle 6_001

There is a fungus among us …. but can you see me?  Way in the back?


jungle 7_001

I was very quiet, I did not want to scare the mommy and baby. You know how mothers are about their young.  awww the baby is just soo very cute.


jungle 83_001

I heard something as I was walking along the path, then these plants had this strange glow and mist come around… it drew me closer.


jungle 9_001

Oh no!!!!!!!!!  There is everything in the jungle. A downed plain still on fire, I tried to peek inside but did not see any survivors or victims. The only thing is that group of hyenas (I think that is what they are) prowling close. I hope everybody got out okay, the hatch was open so all fingers are crossed.


jungle 10_001

Would you believe that I think that is a mushroom back there….what ever it is, this spot was so beautiful I had to stop and pose. hehehe


jungle 11_001

Shhhh do you see them? That tall one scared the daylights out of me when it started walking *laughs*  At first I thought it was one of the animals, maybe free roaming or whatever that word is that lets certain animals move. But to my wonderful surprise that magnificent giraffe was the owner of this sim. yeah yeah yeah, the name tag should have made me realize it was an avi, but it was up so high I thought there was someone maybe standing up in one of the trees. *grins*


jungle 12_001

Do you still notice all the amazing things around me in these pictures. I moved to a different side of the fishing pier, [if you have 7seas fishing, you can do it there] and just stood for a moment watching the giraffe and everything else.


jungle 13_001

Look at that…so beautiful.. the white white and the sky blue of those flowers, plus the glow!  I have truly fallen in love with this place.  Right behind my shoulder you see a purple disk, that will enable you to TP to soo many places. Lets see if I can remember, umm the fishing place. the hidden cave (picture below) there is a dance  place, a …. a… ohh somewhere around here are tubes  where you can float around the water….and soooo many more places to explore.


jungle 14_001

I stayed far away from those, that is a silverback gorilla right?  Look at the muskoles (yes I know its spelled wrong, but you have to spell it wrong if the muscles are that big)


jungle 15_001

I was standing atop a large rock/mountain/hill wondering what kind of plants those are, the iridescent colors and soooooo big.  Ohh look see the waves crashing, I must have been up rather high.


jungle 17_001

Now we are inside the hidden cave, and i found a rope to climb. “Come on pudding you can make it!”  And I did make it to the top, but there were so many beautiful flowers that I just slid back down.  *smiles*


jungle 18_001

Points to the pillows and rug. Now you know why its called a hidden cave *wink..wink…wink*


jungle 19_001This was just a beautiful place to stop and rest to come back another day…There is really nothing to say…its just fricking beautiful.

I did not capture everyplace I went, but there would not be enough space. But I cant wait to go back and enjoy the beauty and find even more things to explore.   You have GOT TO go see this place…..but only if you can appreciate the wonderful, serene, peaceful, imaginative, beautiful, romantic, inspiring beauty that is  The Jungle.


That is all …………..

Simply Amazing

This evening, after chores of course, this girl donned her earth clothes and took at trip to the wonderful world of SL earth. I had no idea what I was going to find and really did not know what to search for, so just started looking.

When Oh My Gosh…..I was so fortunate to find a sim, but I took..well am still taking so many pictures, I don’t think I will have them up in time.

This girl has 2 options, stay up and post and share the beauty tonight, and possibly stay up past the time my Master allows and then get in trouble for it later. …….. or  snap a few more, go to bed on time and post tomorrow…

Now which do you think I will do? ……. waiting………..have you made your decision ………………… I did a long time a go …………….. giving you a few more minutes ………….. BUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Yes that is correct, take a few more then post tomorrow…..If you just caaaan’t wait to see it, Its called The Jungle

I am going to TRY to post the link, have not succeeded in doing it yet.

The Jungle   OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! I DID IT……. laughs…… now if it works that will be even better.

okay, I should add at least one picture………let me take a large area type one. jungle_001


One thing I need to figure out is how to make my pictures big again… 🙂 🙂  🙂

Enjoy the visit……time to take a few more pictures of this truly amazing place, see you tomorrow.

That is all ……………..



UPDATE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  Yes, I made the picture bigger……… and I am NOT going to say what I did wrong…. Laughs

When Good Visits go Bad

Tonight was going to be a fun night. My Master gave me permission to visit and explore Earth, and I had plenty of time to find a place to visit. So search opened up and this Kajira started looking.

Yes!!! Found a new spot to visit, It is a Sim called OTIUM – Leisure & Laziness.

So you know I had to take some photos.


love the writing in the sand

love the writing in the sand

Just relaxing

Just relaxing

Looking out over the water at the ship, wonders if it still works

Looking out over the water at the ship, wonders if it still works

Where is the starter, does it need gas?

Where is the starter, does it need gas?

not working but look good sailing

not working but look good sailing

Reserved for whom? Pudding?

Reserved for whom? Pudding?

There is a cute village

There is a cute village

Had to jump to see the view

Had to jump to see the view

Nice convo with a resident of the village until ....

Nice convo with a resident of the village until ….

My happiness beforehand in the plaza

My happiness beforehand in the plaza


After playing along the beach, I saw that there was a little village, and well this girl went exploring even more. It is the cuuuuutest place. It could almost look like a tiny Gorean village. So I walked around and found myself in the plaza and started having a nice conversation with a resident of the town. Sounds all good right? Well it was until, this guy kept hawking his friends store. Saying come visit.. she is an artist … come visit.  He started out being sorta rude because he interrupted the conversation.

So I told him that I would come visit soon. That held him off for about 5 minutes, then he started up again. So still being nice I tell him high pressure sales don’t work on me.

Then he starts going off on me, in Spanish no less. So I put on one of those crappy translators, and saw the word “whore” ……. Screeeeeeeeeeeetch. Stop WHAT!!!!  All I said was stop pressuring me. Then he kept going on and on and on. His friend the store owner, kept trying to apologize to for him. I couldn’t take it so I said farewell to the resident and went home.

His friend sent another IM saying he was tired an apologized again for him, I told her no apologies were needed from her, but only from him.  I was not taking any chances so I send my Master a message about what was going on. During that time she sent ANOTHER IM saying he wanted me to come there so he could explain. I politely declined saying he can speak with my Master, I really didn’t want to be bothered with him. I was ____ this __ close to searching on the internet on how to curse in Spanish. LOL

I figure that was the end, of It so I started writing this blog.. Guess what. Now his annoying self sends me an IM all in Spanish. Duuude. I dont speak Spanish, and he must have been misspelling some words because free translation dot com did not translate correctly. I asked him in IM to please leave me alone, stop IM’ing me. Did he NO…..I just logged off and now am going to bed irritated instead of relaxed as I should have been at the end of my exploring. Ughsss, I have nothing further, Its bed time.


That is all. …..

A Kajira’s Adventure Down the Amazon River

This is a bit late, but I still wanted to describe this adventure, that I had over the weekend. I went to visit this sim called Amazon River, its featured on the front page of the SL website. And yes, went visiting because nobody was in the sim – what else is new. Just don’t get it so many r/p opportunities and nobody takes them.  What good is a kajira if there is nobody to r/p with?  *shakes her head* neverthemind.  Wooooosaaaaaw   wooooooooosaaaaaaaaawww

Back to the sim.   Since its featured its full of people…. normal ones and yes! those bothersome newbies. I think some newbies are not really new, just oldies that want to be bothersome. People just jumping into your boat without asking, …. So rude!  But that’s okay, if you know there are ways to get rid of unwanted bodies in the river.  muahhahahaha


This is not the beginning of the sim, but this place covers three sims total and it GREAT, Everything down to the color of water, birds flying overhead, things underneath…. hmm I wonder if that was a sleen that I saw back there.



Look at the overgrowth in the trees. Ohh the boat..I forgot to tell you, when you land, you can either walk through the rain forest or grab a boat at the end of the dock. 3 people can fit in it at one time.



Not much to say here but WOW!



Again WOW, but with a distance view



Okay, Don’t know how this happened, but I was on the boat and guess crossed sim lines, windlight changed and what a difference.



I can’t believe what I ran into… a wave, did this kajira shriek and run away? NO.. well okay screaming yes, but running away no. I took it like a champ, rode that wave with this boat better than Gidget did on a surfboard. LOL



Looking behind me… heck yes I gunned that boat to get out of there! I wanted to live to see another adventure!



Back into the jungle, or rain forest or on the Amazon River, I saw this tiny village, but I didn’t see any body around. Not sure if that was a good or a bad sign.



I got out the boat and walked around for a bit, by the way the boats vanish after 15 seconds. so if you get out, make sure you can get back. *Laughs*  This place was looking a bit scary.



Okay, I enjoy nature and all that but I’ve never seen an ant eater actually eating ants. My skin started itching after a few minutes, felt like the ants were all over  me.


Okay okay okay…. No I didnt make it out of that area by myself, I cheated and TP’d back to the landing point and got another boat. BE CAREFUL of the crocks, they will swing their might tail and destroy your boat, and you will sink. Or the crocks will bite or swish you with your tail and you will go flying, or something even more sinister… That you have to find out on your own.



Yet again, I got out and lost my boat, but went into this cave and if you look real close, my name is inscribed on the wall. SPOOKY!!



Yep you guessed, I left that cave quickly, forgetting that the boat sinks and nobody was around to give me a lift, This time I was not going to cheat and was going to get out on my own. And I did…. sorta



This native of the Amazon helped me across the river. See that guy walking across the rope in the corner, he was umm all bare, not even a fig leaf. Well this guy saw that I was a bit nervous so he was talking to me for a bit and greeted me “Tal”. In my own language. He was trying to make me comfortable, hmmm hopefully not to tenderize me for lunch… naaaah. He was very friendly and we talked a bit OOC and IC. OOC’ly he said the sim was having a lot of lag because of all the people that were coming to visit and the owners moved the Open Collar store somewhere on that sim. Yep that would do it. And IC’ly he said that this girl was nice to talk to and he would keep me safe. Get this!! He said they have Panthers roaming the Amazon ,and not the cat kind. So maybe this is a earth/gor/amazon/ge type place?  I dont know but it is cool to look around.



Yeah different outfit, same place, next day, had to come back for another visit there is so much I have yet to see. Like this place. How do I get up there?



Finally if you look up in the trees you can make out the beautifully red, birds, Had to tilt my camera up high to get them flying across the bridge.



Welp, I will definitely be back to that place there is so much more to visit. But for now……..


That is all …….

Strange Travels … To. Fallen New York

This was the end of our traveling day. Lara and I found one last place to visit. Fallen New York, as they described it 19 years after the destruction of the earth, the equator, weather, climate, civilization changed as we know it. What was left is what you are about to see…. Ohh that sounded dramatic!  LOL


We started to walk around the SIM but the dust storm was so bad, we took off running looking for shelter. We found a sunken place that had some, well guess you could call them homes. We are standing on one, and…wow Lady Liberty is in the back broken and covered with sand.  See that little shack looking thing behind us and in front of her, that is another house that was for rent also.  Looking around we found a trailer that had windows and doors, if we could not find our way back to Gor and our village, at least we knew where we could stay.



In walking around Lara was fussing about all the dang gates around, when we heard a voice from nowhere pop up, We started to run away, but the voice came up from below in the sewers and started talking to us. This girl looked tough, she had weapons, well a huge wrench and a spray paint can that she sat down as not to scare us. Guess we looked like visitors. hahahaha



We talked to her for a while, she was telling us there are more people like here, trying to survive, She said she really missed food as all she had to eat were …rats. Ughs!!!  She kept looking up in the sky for some reason, then mentioned something about a many flying or something like that, she was very vague, I dont think she trusted us much.  But then as usual RL came and took her away. Hopefully we can visit with her again.



We hopped the gate and started walking around. The dust had settled some and we found this nice porch with some chairs not toooo dusty and dirty, Feet up and time for girls to relax. That dust storm had gotten us thirsty so we found a couple of mason jars, that only looked dusty, wiped down the rim and poured a little of that moonshine. I know… I know.. we should not have, but we were so very thirsty, and it was clear and didn’t look bad.



Looks can be deceiving, after one tiny sip our throats started burning, Lara and I both started coughing and gagging.  She gasped out that it was some bad shine…and bad shine can make you go blind or worse!!  OHHH MAHH GAWD!!!!!  I don’t know what was in that, but somehow a dance pit appeared in the street and we thought we saw a row of Masters sitting waiting for us. Yeah.. yeah.. yeah.. I see now it was a gate, but we thought they were masters.  It got so hot, I had to wipe my face with my pink hair band and my hair flew out all over the place.  I wasn’t able to take a pic, but Lara was so messed up on the bad shine, that she started serving the fence, I mean the Masters and up chucked all over their white sandals. So we figured we better start dancing sexy for them



Yes Yes, we were moving in such sensual kajira dance moves, Or so we thought. I almost fell in front of the Masters, while Lara was dipping and leaning sideways. hahahah. Okay maybe not super sensual kajira… more like drunk as a skunk.



Lara finally stood up straight, but that shine was going through me.. Ohh where was the little kajira’s room?



Well I found the room, well bushes, and went back with lara to start dancing. I don’t think we were doing too good of a job. if Juls and Sage could see this dance, Bwahaahaaha. We would be sent back to class in a heartbeat. “London bridges falling down .. falling down.. falling down.. Kajira dancing then falling down…. my dear drunken girls” << sung to the tune of London bridges.



This time I managed to get up straight and dooooooown went Lara.  “Bottoms up bottoms up (up) Ay whats in ya cup
Got a couple bottles, But a couple aint enough.”   We figured….it was time to stumble back to the village if we could find the Priest Kings ship…. If there is a post after this… then you know we made it…




but until then………….that is REALLY all

Strange Travels … To Imservia

I’m back, and was back in the village after spending the afternoon taking care of RL. And figured that nobody was online, but I checked any and guess what?? My PPP (pea pod pal) Lara was online. She was just piddling around and decided to join me. So now there were two kajira’s on an earthbound expedition.  After a few searches that didnt turn up anything, I came upon this sim called Imservia. This place is cra-cray crazy!! But not like you think. When you first land you notice its kinda dark. After you rezz you see these hugs signs on the walls telling you how to change your settings to make it pitch black, no light at all. (thankfully they have directions of 3 viewers up there also) . The scary part is the sign on the floor telling you if you get killed and go back to remember to change your settings. WHAT!!! KILLED!!!!!!  What kind of place is this?  It is supposed to be some kind of art exposition or something maybe kinda sorta.

So to start off you have to read these three notecards, they tell you how to get into the sim through the “red door” you get your headlamp to wear and how to find the messages. Come to find out that place is a story. Ohh it was such a good, haunting, scary, sad story/experience.  You have to find the messages in the bottles…I’m not going to say too much, because you really need to go see it..

The only thing is that it is so dark, it was hard to take pictures so I only took a few. Also, I forgot about picture taking, because Lara and I kept getting scared, lost and everything else.


If you look closely on the swing there is one of the message bottles. Some of them also have microphones so you can hear what is being said on the message in the bottle.  The few pictures I took were because there was a little light.




This is somewhere in there *laughs* I have no idea. Lara and I just managed to swing or headlamps on each other at the same time so perfect time for a snap. Can you see anything behind us? Neither could we, ohh also sometimes the headlamps shorted out, and we had NO light to guide us.




We stood here a few minutes not only because of the bottle with the message but because there were so many lights. Whoever designed/built this place is a genius. Everything is truly amazing in there. And your heart sometimes starts pounding hard. Now maybe its just me because I hate horror flicks, but oh my goodness. I really got scared.




That dog is important in the story, you will find out. We were on a street and that thin darkened pole behind me was a streetlight, and again notice how DARK it was in there.  That dog looked like it was hungry and Lara is the main course. RUN LARA RUN!




Perfect example of how dark it was in there, I had lost Lara, which can happen a lot in that place. Thank goodness for tags.hahahah. Well walking up the steps my headlamp showed a little of what was in front of me, but that is it. Pitch Black. Only able to see my silhouette.




Here Lara and I are in a room, with ONE light and our headlamps, if not for the light we would not even know we were in a room. We have got to back it was truly a fun time. AND if you can believe it, it took us maybe 2 or 3 hours to get through it all. We didn’t realize it took that long. Well at least two kajira were kept busy and out of trouble for that length of time at least.




Now this was not the end of our night…we have one more place we visited…. but for this post..


That is all

Strange Travels … To Lionheart & Hobo Junction

It is really taking me a while to post my travels from a couple of days, but be not dismayed, I shall finish today. LOL  So after I left the land of the Giants this earthbound Kajira checked out the friends list, and saw nobody online. Soooo there was no need to go back to the village. Again the search page was opened and a new search started. I found the next spot and it sounded pretty interesting. The build was a really nice looking city but the only people I saw were store models. Go Figure….


This place was called Lionheart, and you can rezz golf carts and bikes to travel around the sim. Guess which one I chose? Yep the golf cart, and maybe they should give SL Golf Cart drivers training before letting some of us loose on the streets. Everything was going along fine, then the curb jump out in front of me, tipping the cart over. It wasn’t my fault….Honest!!!



Dumped the cart and got on a bike, went around and looked at the cars and the buildings.  Don’t worry the bike didn’t crash or flip over. Ohh on one of the buildings there was a helicopter, I did not even try to make my way up there. There are houses and whatnot attached but I didn’t go over there, just cammed a bit. Road around for a bit, then hopped off and let the feet do the walking.



As I walked I came upon this. Ohhhh so many memories, I took a running start, jumped into the center, closed my eyes, spread out my arms, leaned my head back and spun around and around and around and around. I was having so much fun, till I started getting dizzy.



I had to grab on quick to the railing and started to step off, but it was spinning to fast and drug me around a couple of times. I had flashbacks and tried to get my feet under me to start running so I can jump back on, but that didnt work, so it finally slowed down, and I rolled off into the grass. Sat up dusted myself off, looked around thankful nobody was near and kept walking. heeheehee



There is a building with a photo booth thingy, guess it was a store because there were vendors  with different types. Ya know, I had to “strike a pose.”



Just wish I knew how to use these things, Those lights can change colors, but I didn’t know how to make them vanish, nor stop the snowflakes… OH well… had to strike another pose, just because. After that I opened up search once more and again, and remembered back, waaaay back in old SL, when the Hobo’s were a huge group.



And I mean way back, when there was the teen grid, and you could boat, bike ride, fly across sim to sim to sim without worrying about anything. Remember the Hobo’s would ask for a car ride, boat ride, plane ride, to get somewhere, they didn’t TP nor have anything to travel with, So walk or hitch a ride. So I found this place Hobo Junction. Not sure if it was the same one, it looks a bit different. So I hopped onto the back of the trolly, the conductor must have taken a lunch break. So I took another peek inside and jumped on to the back. “All aaaboooooord”



My driving skills are not that great on tracks either, how I am leaning to the side, I don’t know, but we didn’t hit the walls of the tunnel so it was alright. It was a tiny trip around, the sim looks like it might be in a rebuilding phase, I’m not to sure, but it was a short trip.



I decided to be a real hobo and sat on the railroad tracks. It was a nice view, and you can see the waterfall in the background.



Next time I sit on tracks I have to remember to sit near the edge, I tried to get up and fell into the water, I found this tiny chair to sit on and rung out my clothes and shoes. But the hair did not mess up. WOOO HOOO Way to go SL Aqua Net.  I sat for a while just relaxing and reflecting and watching the people around. I knew it was time to go when a child avi came around talking to other people. Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with child avi’s if you are one and are enjoying your time.. have a ball. I personally just feel a little uncomfortable talking with them, especially dressed as a kajira but even as an earth girl, its not my favorite thing to do.



So after that, RL came and it was time to take care of well RL. But I did come back online that night and found some really interesting places.  More to come, but for now……


That is all…….

Strange Travels .. to The Land of Giants

After, I got all dolled up I opened up the search and started looking for something interesting, fun, unusual, well heck, just something. I found that and more!

As soon as I landed the paparazzi, started hounding me, shouting out questions after questions, and the flashbulbs were popping like crazy. Goodness how did they know I was going to be there. Dang that TMZ, must have bugged my search engine.



This little green guy, I guess is the tour guide, told me where to go. For a leprechaun, he sure was big, and those eyes. *shudders* creepy. He told me this was a strange place, and if I needed any help to find people that were dressed like he was.



I knew something was strange when I had to climb the steps, no walk, but climb, Then I was looking down following the arrows when I bumped into a pair of feet. What!!! That guy and his little sister must have been coming home from school. The little green dude, told me to go through the tiny door. Looked like a mousehole to me…but, whatever p.s. those are not real people. hahaha, the real ones are comming up later



Those two look familiar and why are they looking at me with the magnifying glass? Was I on TV or in a TV, still not sure, but the green dude told me to jump into the carriage, and he took me on a tour around the house. I didnt take any pictures, because, well everything was too big.



After the tour, I managed to climb onto the table,, okay I flew but don’t tell anybody. I was standing and looking at that huge plate of food when look what walked in. She scared me to the end of the table, and YES that is an Avi. I am standing on the table and she was standing on the floor. I watched her walk around and it seemed like it was difficult walking around, almost like she was waking in a lag storm. I didn’t have lag, but maybe because of her size or maybe that is how they walked. Regardless, she scared the you know what out of me.



See that yellow dot in the chair. It is a poseball, for those giant Avi’s to sit. I had to stare at the lobster wondering if it was going to eat me or was I going to eat it. He won ’cause it look like like it moved and I RAN. LOL



I moved from the kitchen into the living room and saw the largest piano I ever had seen. I had to fly up but couldn’t land on it, I think It plays music but am not too sure.



So after, I landed after playing on the piano keys for a while, I heard a bubbling noise. Well I just had not know what it was so I turned the corner and WOOOOOHHH, This HUGE guy was standing watching the fish tank (and no not an avi) I had to stand between his shoes and OMG he was tall.



See bird cage was right next to the fish take, well I had to climb and climb and climb ’cause I thought it was empty, After i got inside I started swinging then OH MY GOSH, the bird flew and landed watching me on his swing. He looks like he wants to eat me.



I looked up after I jumped down and said, sorry Mr. Giant Byrd, you can have your swing back. He kept looking at me, so I got out of there quickly.



Next stop was the little kajira room, I wanted to check my hair, but as you can see I did not reach the mirror, Heck I couldn’t even reach the edge of the counter top.



I smelled something sweet and went to check it out, They had a huge river in the middle of their house. Come to find out, it was not a river, but a coke spill. That must have been a huge can of coke. So I jumped into one of the toy boats and floated down to see where it took me. There was a grate at the end so I figured I would stop in the bathroom.



But did it stop NOOOOOO. It there was a hole and I slid threw and ended up in the sewer I guess, but there were oh so many creepy crawly things. spiders and other nasty yucky bugs.** screams and ducks **



Whew finally made it out the sewer and went back to talk with the little green man, when it felt like a Gorquake, I mean an Earthquake. I looked around and spotted another giant avi was walking around. She almost stepped on me. Geesh, watch where you are walking lady.



Finally after searching I found where the other music was coming from. It took me all the way back to my childhood, I managed to get on top of the pool table, I’m sure you can figure out how that happened. *grins* and Look at what I found. An ancient TV, Nintendo 64 and Mario Bros. That gold round thing you see is one of the balls.


I snuck into the little girls room and took a ride on her Merry-Go-Round. I didnt know she was there, till we I looked up. eeps


By that time Mistress Dak came online and I invited her to see the large avi’s with me, but by the time she changes from a FW to an earth woman, the giant was gone. So we took a few spins on the Merry go round, waved to the paparazzi on the ground and finished exploring.



The Mistress was called away by RL, and I was tired of being the shrimp among giants, So I popped into the TV, hung out with Mario while he was collecting his coins. ** Laughs**



That is all ……

A kajira goes to Earth.

I know the title is corny, but hey…what can you do. I said I was going to post the pictures of that sim I visited. The sim was KSA Atlantis, its a moderate sim, and the place was called H220.  When you first land, its a nice tiny area, so you crawl and tp down…. and WOW. A totally different look.  There is really no reason for me to write each one.. I’ll let you think what the captions should be. Enjoy. … Image
























That is all …………..

Kajira in Wonderland or Through the Looking glass

Both titles fit, except we were not dressed as kajira…….However as a wise Master told me “you are kajira and kajira you are everywhere.”

So…then I will keep it. Kajira in Wonderland  I was actually looking for a different Alice in Wonderland sim, but you know how SL is, Sim today…gone tomorrow.  This was a smaller and not as elaborate but still a nice place to visit. The original one was a maze within a maze within a maze with so many things to explore. I do miss bubbles in wonderland…that might have been the name of the sim. I’m not sure. 

Well lets get started:



This is the beginning, Enchanted Alice……..looks harmless enough. Sweet an innocent…….just like me. hahahaha. Okay that was a bit to much, I agree. 


Start here?!??!?  All I saw was a rabbit hole, and they wanted me to jump down. NOT ON YOUR LIFE. But I didnt have a choice as Sage bumped into me and down I went, falling a looooooooong ways down.



That was a dizzy and looooong fall.



We had not drank anything yet, so why was everything so big? I must admit those large chairs were comfy though.



I remember something bad happening to Alice when she drank it, I decided to pass and see if there was another way inside the building. I don’t know who made it or WHAT was in it.



SHORT GIRLS RULE!!!!! Thanks for the lift chair. See whahahappenedwas, I looked at the mirror and tried to wipe off a spot but my hand went through, I know curiosity is not becoming a Kajira….. but come on, you know the story, I couldn’t help it. 



Ohh I was trying to help and paint the white roses red, but I kicked the ladder from beneath  me and was just left hanging…….I could hear the queen in the other Garden “OFF WITH HIS HEAD” … “OFF WITH HER HEAD” eeps



Got them all painted, sage took the boring way out and rested. But I couldn’t help it, I was swinging on the branches, having a good old time.

Here are a few more pic’s of our in lazy mode and dont feel like typing anymre.



Okay I know I said, no more typing, but we were doing the Caterpillar Conga. hahahaha


I got bored waiting for sage to finish walking in place and crashing, so I had to take a seat



Time was moving on……… HAHAHAHA couldn’t resist.


When the queen says off with their head, she was not joking.


I didn’t ………. Sage did………… You can guess what happened. Here is a hint. “Acme”


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee teacup ride…..weeeeeeeeeeeeee



Drumming with my feet……I march to the beat of a different drummer. 


YES we were attacked by bats of all things. I don’t remember this part in the story.


Oh noooooow she wants to take a nap. Geesh!


Glow in the dark hopscotch. oh yeah!


That was one of the tiny doors we had to use to get out of that place, but it only sent us to another land.


We were just swinging and playing at the end. I Still was not going to drink it.


OH well, I would do another and tell whats been going on in my life…….but I don’t feel like typing anymore . so……..

That is all.





Through the Time Machine

It was once again time for this kajria to don her earth clothes and journy to the other world. But I wanted something a little different so I convinced sage to go with me. I searched for something different, not the usual sims and I didn’t feel like shopping. GASP!!!!  Yes That is possible…geesh.  Anyway we went to the Land That Time Forgot…….hmm that’s a good title. Maybe A Journey through Jurassic Park… I like that one also.  … Oh well, I digress. We went a little while back but there have been a lot of things going on in the village, So I just hadn’t posted the pictures. I’ll tell whats going on later…….for now Its Devine and Sage, two normal girls from earth going back … back … baaaaack… back further than Marty McFly even traveled.



This was the opening of the time machine……. so spacey looking n’ stuff.



As soon as we stepped through and started walking around a HUGE dino was chasing us…the windlight setting on this place are so cool, but I had to change to midday… I couldn’t see and kept tripping over branches.


Here is a wider shot… we were standing like two pieces of fresh meat. WHY we thought hiding in between two trees was a good idea I will never know.



See What I mean…. tripping and falling all over the place, it was so dark..but soooo cool.Image

THAT is what was chasing us. I mean come one.. not only was it a HUGE dino, but it had glowing stuff coming from its mouth. 





We found a place to hide inside this hollow tree. That big dino kept trying to stick its head inside, but it could not fit. We thought we were safe from everything. HAHA you can’t find us.. That was ’till the big boy called his tiny cousins…..the were able to fit. EEKKKSSS!!!






Its just so cool looking there. They even had a free dino avi. but we were not going that deep.




Sage and I taking a breather, after I found her. She was chased one way by a dino and I ducked the other way, and yep got lost. 


There are the tiny, evil and fast as all get out cousins.


I was just as lost as can be, and thought at first this little patch would be a good hiding spot, then I really started thinking and wondered if it might have been a nest. I got out of there QUICK!



Shhhhh be quiet its drinking and cant smell or hear me. 



Sage was looking just as lost as me… Or was she looking for me, as I was looking for her.



This guy was trying to sneak up on us, but HA… we were ready and ran!



So peaceful and pretty, but so dangerous, It was time for us to get out of there.


And that was our journey through the time machine. I know.. I know… my pants were falling down, the material is hanging on the teeth of one of those little ones, that was a close call. And there is sage, looking so sweet and countrified and innocent. pfft, yea right. hahahahaha

Anyway that was not the end of our wandering for the night, next I took her through the looking glass. 

A Kajira’s Adventure outside the walls

Remember when I said sometimes you just gotta get away?????  Well sometimes, you just want to visit. Chores done and streets empty, and well I was sorta lonely. So I figured if you are alone might as well go sight seeing, So off went the silks and on went a really cute purple polka dot dress. And it was time to travel to urth.  After a few seconds of searching, [mainly because it was starting to bore me] I found a sim called Heightened Passion.  I know what you are thinking…passion, must be for lovebirds. Well you are partly right, its also a beautiful place to visit and so much to do. I took pictures and even tried to play with Fraps and make a video…maybe Ill try to post it also.

There are lots of things to do on the sim, so I started with Horseback riding. I will name my horse blue beauty. 🙂


It was a beautiful trail, the horse can seat two, but if one sits on it, it will adjust to you. Isn’t this beautiful?


Now its getting a little scary going to go up the bridge……Look at that view! hmm I don’t know why I didn’t take a lot of horse pictures, but I shall have to come back and take more.


Yep you guessed it time for the hot air balloon ride, They actually have two different tours. Relaxing in the breeze.


All I can say is. ………… aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Look at  the waterfalls. So beautiful….dang that fire sure warms you up fast!


I am starting to wonder, am I really on earth or am I in Gor?


Okay, I have no idea which world this is but it doesn’t matter, its beautiful.


So high up and I look so calm, well calm is not the word, that heat coming off of that fire was hot!


Reflecting and enjoying the beauty. Look at that waterfall behind me.. its is pretty.


Can you believe this? This is where the balloon dropped me off. Maybe going into that cave is the way down? The only way to find out is to go in.  OH and a full picture of my dress…. grins. Its not pink but the next best thing, purple.


Okay so it was not the way out but another secluded, hidden spot for … grins… umm you know….


Time to take the 2nd tour…..and time to think again. The day was getting late and I was a bit cold, and well it was a big basket and only me in it……


Yeah still thinking, so many thoughts can run through your brain, some good, some bad.


Look see down there that is the riding trail, It was fun riding that horse.


Another time to think another beautiful setting



Sometimes all you can say is…………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Just another gorgeous view as the ride was coming to an end.



I decided to take a walk after the balloon ride and found this tunnel. I didnt go in, but thought it would be a great place to take a picture. 🙂


If you can read the time on the clock, when I took this picture that was my correct time, 12:50 am. I need to learn to do these things earlier in the day.


I am so so sleepy, jack and coke did put this girl in a relaxing mood. Ill try to post the video tomorrow……until then…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…. That is all

Sometimes you just have to get away

It’s true you know. Sometimes the day to day just becomes so day to day you want to holler “CALGON TAKE ME AWAY hmmm pause for a moment. Wait. There is no Calgon in Gor. So what do you do?  First, make sure your chores are done, so you won’t get in trouble when you get back. heehee. Next go SHOPPING, get a new persona (an outfit)  Find the time machine and travel.

So that’s what I did. …………………… all the way back to Berlin Germany circa 1920. 

I put on my fancy, going out clothes, and walked to Julie’s hotel room knocking on her door. Why? Because she invited me to go see Casablanca.  Would you believe that I have never seen that movie?

So here we are, looking spiffy.   No I didn’t cut my hair, but those are some tight curls.



and Miss Julie (okay juls) geeshImage

It was cold that night, so we had to dress warm.  Okay I was freezing, my southern self is not used to the cold Germany weather.



We found a warm place so we had to jump for joy!!!!!!!!!!!



Still warm.. still jumping… but doing kissy face pose for the camera.




That was a fun afternoon and the movie was GREAT, I cannot believe it took me this long to see it.

” Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life”  ***   “I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you’ll understand that.”    ***   “We’ll always have Paris.”   Such great quotes……..Well I was about to go rather deep, I had planned on it at least, But, I’m sleepy.  And as that song so eloquently stated  in my prior post ”  

Bring me down
Can’t nothing bring me down
My level’s too high
Bring me down

Maybe Later Ill tell you what I had really planned on saying, but until then goodybe 1920 Berlin girl…. Tal kajira


Chores still done……still having fun

I guess I should have said that is all for that blog, because I have yet to figure out how to add a picture and video at the same time. I actually didn’t look very hard. Welp, this is part two of dress up day. 😀  Julsy had to leave the world of SL for RL and I had to show sage a club that had almost the same name as one she knew of before. But I didnt want to go dressed as a Kajira, nor as a 1920’s Berlin girl. It was a Country club so Sage countried herself out. Me on the other hand………I had nothing country . Sooooooooooo I went to the other extreme. Biker babe bad ass. hahaha. We popped over to the Sagebrush Inn, jumped on some dance balls and got busy. ImageI I found out later they were actually playing country music. I never turned on my music. Image I had to take a couple of photos by the Coke machine. Sage is innocent pink {{ cough }} {{ cough }} and only Pink on my is the fucia lipstick. I look like the little sister gone wrong. Image Sage: “What is wrong with that girl, I hope nobody thinks we are together” Devine: “Ugh, why did she drag me here to this hokey place, I can’t wait to escape” Image I have had a fun day of dressing up…..But sadly enough the fun day is over, and work comes back tomorrow. That means sleep comes in tonight. Sooooooooo… Yep you got it! That is all.

Chores done…. play time!!!!!!!!!

Today was a fun day, I got to hang out with Juls and Sage almost all day, Which is rare since I am usually on only at night. I was excited because I was FINALLY able to go to another Dancer Dash!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what??????

Nobody showed up, hehehe. Which was okay because I got to explore and experience something new today. Juls took us to 1920s Berlin. The best part is we got to dress the part, which meant >>>>>>> hold on for it >>>>>>>> its almost there >>>>>>>>> YESS SHOPPING. 🙂

It was just totally cool and totally fun. It’s fun to go somewhere else and be somebody else. But good thing nobody talked to be, because in writing this, I realized I didn’t know who I was there. Well, of course I am me, but my character in Berlin. So after we went shopping we found this cutest little phonograph store. That played records. YES Records, not CD’s, not MP3’s but actual records. We put the music on, then eventually (I am not going to say why It took me so long to figure it out) jumped on Juls hud and cut a rug.

I figured I would play with my Fraps, I got it, might as well use it, so I made a little video. ***** DISCLAIMER ***** I do not know how to use Fraps and I do not know how to use Windows Live Movie Player…disclaimer over.

Welp, enjoy the video, I logged out of SL, and had a nice glass of vodka so I don’t remember if I took any pictures.

And as usual, its getting late, bed time is near. So as I always say………..

That is all